Lookwell was a television pilot written and produced by Conan O’Brien and Robert Smigel. It starred Adam West as a washed-up TV action hero who at the peak of his career was ceremonially deputized by a local law enforcement who falsely believes he can solve crimes in real life. His student, Jason, becomes his sidekick and is played by Todd Field. The pilot was broadcast on NBC in July but was not picked up as a series despite being a “personal favorite” of NBC’s chairman Brandon Tartikoff as well as comedian Bill Maher. Freddie Faried, a friend of mine introduced me to the show Lookwell, or at least the pilot which I thought was absolutely brilliant, its a bittersweet feeling that the show never went past the pilot. Bitter because it was hilarious and I’d love to see more. Sweet because it never had the chance to fail and will always be perfect.